Soundproof doors and walls for ECI Cultuurfabriek

ECI Cultuurfabriek is located in a former factory complex. The property was restored and redeveloped to create the culture factory, which provides space for a theatre, pop concert hall, cinema, exhibition space, cultural education and catering establishments.

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Theatre and pop concert hall soundproofing

Jaap Meijer from Conforméa, was involved in the noise issue related to the ECI Cultuurfabriek’s theatre hall and pop concert hall from the design phase up to and including the implementation phase, as a consultant/designer, construction supervisor and specialist in glass and noise. Conforméa recommended the application of twelve soundproof doors and two soundproof walls to prevent any noise nuisance from the halls.




Ton Kleinjans


Louis Scheepers



Building function:

Theatre, cinema, pop concert hall, exhibition space

Alara-Lukagro’s contribution:

Soundproof escape door fire proof theater
Soundproof doors theater
Sound barrier wall
ECI Cultuurfabriek soundproof doors theater

Soundproof doors and walls

Alara-Lukagro was commissioned by Jaap Meijer to produce, supply and install soundproof doors and walls for both halls.

Properties of the doors and walls:

  • Soundproofing value of Rw 56 dB
  • Provided with a wet paint coating
  • A number of doors were produced as emergency exit doors
  • The walls are constructed from nine soundproof panels with a silencing value of Rw 60 dB and a coating, which was also applied by Alara-Lukagro.

Alara-Lukagro is proud to have had the opportunity to be part of this great project.

Professional maintenance

Alara-Lukagro will perform yearly maintenance for the soundproof doors. This ensures the doors stay in optimal condition.

More information?

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Contact us with your questions and we will be delighted to advise you on a suitable solution for your project.

Ronald van Ditshuizen Account Manager +31 (0) 184 820 764
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